A Constructivist Approach to Formal Death Education for the Geographically Distributed Workplace
Authors: Beth Hewett, PhD, CT, Joanne Cacciatore, PhD, MISS Foundation, Professor at Arizona State University and Karen Perry Cite as:...
A Constructivist Approach to Formal Death Education for the Geographically Distributed Workplace
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I fell in love 20 days ago.
Your Grief
My beloved friend, Grief
Post Pandemic Plea for Peace
Worried About Mental Health? Then Take Care of Your Emotional Health.
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A Carefarm and a Bereaved Dad
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Grievers aren't the problem: Others' fear is the problem
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Otherizing vs. Oneness
Pray, sure. And stay, please.
Where are you, please!
Soliciting Closure.
Feeling: Superpower!